Dilemma (itch) (takashi-san, ROMUBOY, RonnieRustico, Daniel Portela, Jangerows, Bruno Cafezeiro, ghenriquemo, blumerang, Carolina Sayuri)
>> Dilemma is a trip through the mazes of the unconscious mind. Moved by the will to escape, the protagonist seeks batteries and solves puzzles to open the exit door.
>> Based on procedurally generated levels, Dilemma is a puzzle game with narrative elements, developed in 48 hours for the Global Game Jam 2021 (Theme: Lost & Found). It can be played on the browser and controlled by the keyboard. Are you able to leave this place?
>> Can you find yourself?
>> ==============================================================
>> TEAM>> Art and Animation: Carolina Sayuri, Mariana “Blue” Lima (@blumerang) and Ronnie Rústico
>> Game Design: Bruno Café and Daniel Portela
>> Producer: Guilherme Oliveira
>> Programming: Bruno Takashi and Romualdo "Romuboy" Santos
>> P.O.: Daniel Portela
>> Sound Design: Angelo Ceccatto