Dim: A Light In The Dark
Dim is an atmospheric puzzle game. Explore your way trough the factory by tricking the machines and solving difficult situations.
It started with the appearance of livid black clouds, covering the once vast and luminous sky. Then with the emergence of the everlasting dead snow, the world transformed into a cold and desolate place. Anyone seeking to travel over the barren land must clash with a ferocious storm.
Official Website: dimgame.com
CREDITS - TEAM:Jean Isserstedt : Team Lead, Asset Production
Luca Martinelli : Programming, Mechanic Design
Alexander von Anhalt : Sound Design, Mechanic Design, Rigging
Maximilian Pichler : Character & Monster Design, Asset Production
Lucas Bödeker : Creative Direction, Level & Environment Design
Game Engine: Unity 2018
Asset Production : Maya 2018, Adobe After Effects
Texturing: Substance Painter/Designer
Programming: VisualStudio (C#)
This game was created at the Game Design // UE
Department of the University of Applied Sciences Europe.
Supervised by: Sabine Harrer