Average Playtime: 83 hours

Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness

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Disgaea's game system is simple yet addictive. It has the same basic concept as other strategy RPGs, but uses many unique features and enhancements that make this game unprecedented. The following are some of the unique features of Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness.

Geo Panel - Is a group of stat altering elemental properties that are placed upon certain parts of the battlefields. When there are one or more colored square panels on the battle grid, it means an element can affect that area. The effect can boost or reduce your unit's stats.

Geo Cube - A new addition to the PSP® version, Geo Cubes are magic items that add more depth to multi-player battles. You can use the various Geo Cubes to enhance your abilities, summon monsters, or even attack your enemies with them.

Demon Gadgets - Are randomly generated items that appear on the battlefield. By acquiring these gadgets, you can power your units up. Some demon gadgets can level your unit up by 30 levels at once.

Transmigration - A form of reincarnation that allows you to start over from level 1, but your unit will grow stronger than before.

©2009 NIPPON ICHI SOFTWARE INC. All rights reserved. Licensed to and Published by NIS America, Inc.

Purchase or use of this item is subject to the PlayStation®Network Terms of Service and User Agreement. If you do not wish to accept all these terms, do not purchase or use this item. This item has been sublicensed to you by Sony Computer Entertainment America. One-time license fee for downloads to up to 2 portable systems that are associated with the purchasing account.

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Last Modified: Oct 16, 2024

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