Dog Waddle
Dog Waddle is right now in the development process 🎮💪. A mobile 📱 puzzle game in which you're a cute little dog 🐶 who needs to feed your children 🐕.
You have to pick up all your children and then get them all on their food plate, easy right? Well yeah, BUT... You can't move to a place in which one of your children already is.
You can move using the arrow keys on your keyboard and R to restart the level... For now, that's all xD.
Even though this game is meant to be played on smartphones, I've decided to upload a web version here so people can test it out and let me know what they think.
Please don't hesitate to let any kind of feedback. The whole idea of uploading a web version here is to know if people like the game, find bugs, and improve the game overall.
Only 3 levels for now, more levels are coming soon.
For now, this is just a side-project of mine, I do have the intention to release this game to Google Play and the App Store but right now I cannot give any release date.
Sorry in advance for the bugs, spelling errors, and the fact that the game is in Spanish(my native language).
I'm also planning to create a devlog here so I can share some progress every now and then.
Thank you so much for been reading this far! I'm a full-time software developer so right now I can only work on this game in my free time, since I normally work per hour, every dollar donated means that I can spend more time working on the game. It also helps me to keep motivated since this is a passion project that I would like to spend all the necessary time on in order to get the best version of the game.