Doodle Jump (itch) (the doodle boy)
1. right/left arrow keys to move
2. to jump land on a platform
3. There are 5 types of platforms
1. normal platforms - it is a normal platform [3/10
spawn chance]
2. wooden platforms - break when you jump on it
[2/10 spawn chance]
3. bouncy platform - jump boost [1/10 spawn chance]
4. spiked platform - kills you when you touch it [2/10
spawn chance]
5. moving platform - always will spawn as a moving
platform [2/10 span chance]
4. A platform has a [1/3] chance of moving (except moving platforms)
5. try to beat my high score: 1089
tutorial by @shiftclicklearn on yt
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Last Modified: Dec 17, 2021
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