DOOM 3310
An experimental game prototype I built in a few hours for the 2023 Nokia 3310 jam.
-> Standard WASD or Arrow buttons for movement and press Space to shoot.
Game goal:
-> I have not yet implemented a win condition, the goal is to kill as many of the capsules that spawn at the 8 spawn points on the map before dying when 1 of the enemies gets too close.
-> To get a 3d game to run within the restrictions of a Nokia 3310 I partially made use of the KinoBinary camera filter for a 2 tone dithering effect to apply the color scheme. I also used this CSGO Dust2 model for the game map.
-> Still contains a bug wich makes the game output some black pixels before you move in the game.
-> This obviously isn't a finished or anywhere close to playable experience, it is more like a small side project and an experiment to see if a 3d game would be possible with restrictions like this because I wanted to take part in a game jam for the first time. Please rate fairly but keep this disclaimer in mind when critisizing in the comments.
-> Contains a small upscaling bug in the browser version wich hides half of the top and right rows of pixels, you can play it without this bug in the downloadable windows version. Resolution is actually 84 by 48.