Dragon Eggs: Greatest Hits Edition
full-screen works in browser.
(Instructions are also in-game)
Don't worry, this game is easy to learn as you play.
To win the game, you need to keep your dragon egg alive. If either team loses their egg or all their knights, the opposing team wins.
Teams take turn rolling a pair of 4-sided dice to determine how many spaces they can move. Click on the player you'd like to move, then the space you want to move them to.
You can move your knights in a straight line, or on a path with a SINGLE right angle. You cannot pass through any other knights or eggs along the way, but you can land on an enemy egg or knight to kill it.
You can not move to a spot directly next to your own egg, unless you're attacking an enemy.
Have fun!
System requirements for PC
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Linux
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Apr 24, 2020
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