Duck Can't Swim
You play as a duck that can't swim. You need to get to the other side where the grass is greener! Or is it? Push the rocks into the water and you will create your path to victory.
WASD - to move around
R - Restart
This is a game that I originally made as my project following the Unity Creative Core Pathway. It became somewhat of a basic demo then and I wanted to rework some of the code since Ive learned alot of better coding practices since then. I also aimed to port it as an Android game since thats something I've never done before . I made that one of the main goal with this Jam which also is my first one since picking up Unity and C# in beginning of february 2022. Therefor there is both a WebGL version as well as an apk file to load up the game on Android devices. I still think there is alot to work on when it comes to improving level design, sound and graphics.
Development Log (Improve My Game Jam 20)
26-28/3 * Rewrote lots of the code for input, removing Unity Input system entirely
* Made system for storing player inputs in list and executing them in order
* Changed the build to Android build and enabled touch inputs,
(Had to remove Unity input system for it to work)
29/3 * Added four buttons that acts as joystick in mobile game
and made buttons on both sides for player preference.
* Increased size of Menu system and moved stuff around.
* Removed Button for Post Processing after effects.
* Speed up movement and made all movement on main camera take up
same amount of time regardless of player changing direction as well.
* Fixed issue with complete game screen not showing properly.
* Edited some level layout
30/3 * Made game respond to type of build. PC now show WASD controls
Android Build now has an option in menu to change between left/rigth/both
as side to place the touch controls.
* Fixed missalignments in the menu animation.
* Made an exit application button in menu and moved buttons to fit it.
* Changed Project Name and Creator in Project settings
* Uploaded new files to website as Draft.