Duck Cuckers

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Due to trying to make the game compatible with html, there is a minor glitch that I dont know how to

fix. Starting the game for the first time doesn't make any of the code for the green line work. You 

must press "r" at the start and then the game should work fine


Offline, 1v1, 2D, shooter. The red duck and her bullets move faster than the blue duck and

their bullets, however the blue duck has more health. The objective is to use advanced movement and

skillful shooting to overcome your opponent. The green line separates the two sides. Hitting the green

line will cause you to immediately lose. Depleting all your enemy's health will increase your score

and vice versa for your enemy. Sometimes if multiple buttons are pressed at the same time one of the

inputs won't work. Oops. Holding the shoot button or pressing it multiple times in quick succesion

will make the bullets deal more damage. This isn't intentional and I'm not sure how to fix it, sorry.

I hope you have fun and enjoy!


Red duck:

"a" & "d" for left and right movement

"w" for jump

"s" for crouch (hold, not toggle)

"v" for shoot

Blue duck:

"left arrow" & "right arrow" for left and right

"up arrow" for jump

"down arrow" for crouch

"p" for shoot


"space" to reset score

"r" reset game (doesn't affect score)

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Duck Cuckers screenshot, image №3250076 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Feb 21, 2022

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