Dummy Fight
You are being sent to an island as a training dummy.
Researchers are analyzing the boss progression and its tactics.
You can just stay still and be a good training dummy.
You can fight like a dummy :)
-------- GAMEPLAY --------
You need to master your movement before challenging the boss.
The controls described below are just the beginning.
You can chain and modify your inputs to do special tricks.
Fight again and again while collecting secret achievements.
As you gain experience, you will start to realize that boss is also gaining some experience and changing its behaviours depending on your history.
Let's see who can progress further :)
-------- CONCEPT--------
I always wanted to do a proper boss battle. I like the ones that have both sides as humanoids rather than one giant versus player. While it looks fantastic, I think it leads to some sluggish combat.
My goal was to have an agile player controller and agile boss AI. If everything works properly, it should create a fight that is dependent on your skills and progresses as you play.
- Inspiration for Player Controller: The best character controller I have ever used was Warframe. It is also one of my favourite games, don't play it though. It is a trap. It is a game that includes space ninjas and their movement set is just fantastic. I tried to recreate that feeling in here as much as possible. If you played Warframe, you should feel at home.
- Inspiration for Boss AI: My main guide for this AI was Knight Artorias from Dark Souls. It is a humanoid and his movement behaviour is quite agile. I don't think I managed to replicate it properly. But I implemented a certain scenarios that would assist the player's move set. The boss should be able to close/elongate the distance between you as it wishes.
-------- CONTROLS --------
Although it is limited, there is gamepad support for fighting.
-------- USED ASSETS --------
Other than the land we fight on, I didn't do any art stuff for this jam.
I am listing all of the art assets that I used for developing this project.
SYNTY Polygon Prototype
Clazy Runner Animation Package
Powerful Sword Animation Pack
Brute Force Grass Shader
Jupiter Low Poly Procedural Sky
Ultimate Game Music Collection
Cafofo - Footsteps Sound Pack
Blue SKY GUI Pack
I hope you like the game :)
Have a good and healthy day!