Average Playtime: 2 hours

Dynasty Feud

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Dynasty Feud is a competitive, team-based, fast-paced platform brawler for 2-4 players. Play either local or online and show off your skills with 40 characters, one-hit kills, multiple fighting skills and a lot of style.

OK, but... what does that mean? Well, Dynasty Feud is different from other brawlers out there, taking inspiration from several genres to offer an experience that is faster, leaner, and a lot of fun!

  • Beat other dynasties in the ultimate battle between time periods in free-for-all and team matches.
  • Customize your own dynasty in the ALL-STAR MODE.
  • Challenge other players in quick ONLINE matches or rise to the top in RANKED MODE.
  • Master all 40 CHARACTERS of the 8 DYNASTIES currently available!

In Dynasty Feud you won’t pick a character to fight, you will pick a whole dynasty formed by 5 of them. The characters are your life bar, if you lose all of them, that’s it, you are done. What, really? No way! And they die fast, really fast, REALLY REALLY FAST; one hit and that character is gone. Yeah, gone. The next character will appear, but it will be a totally different one, with its own weaknesses and strengths.

Value your characters and measure your movements carefully. Knowing their capacities and how to use them is as important as knowing your enemies. Plus there are 40 like this, so... have fun. A miscalculated jump, a surprise burst or missed attack can be the difference between death and glory. Uuuhh, that sounded serious.

Each character is unique. Each character plays different. Each dynasty is special.

From melee juggernauts to sneaky snipers, along with invisible ninjas and a TNT-loving cactus, a true Dynasty Master can adapt to any opponent by making the most of each of its family members.

Let's see who they are shall we...

The Cartwrongs are specialized in LONG and MEDIUM RANGE bullet attacks. Their key to victory is to keep enemies away by using their zoning abilities.

The Yngling Clan is a well balanced dynasty that specializes in very strong MELEE and effective MEDIUM RANGE THROWS, as well as good defense and mobility.

With a good mix of PROJECTILE, EXPLOSIVES and MELEE, the Fancier's Crew are a pretty balanced bunch.

The Nekoyama-Shi is the most MOBILE dynasty in the game, with excellent MELEE aptitudes to boot. Take advantage of both.

The Uurg Aaarg members are a mixed bunch with decent PROJECTILE and mid range capacity, as well as some powerful MELEE options. They are hard to control, but powerful once you master them.

The House of Arthur is an exceptionally resilient dynasty, with many of its members having shield and armor. They do sacrifice mobility and reach.

The People of the Sun's main strength is in their powerful SUPER FEUD attack, in which each character gains a special power, coupled with their ability to sacrifice themselves to automatically fill the SUPER FEUD meter.

The Project X-22 subjects rely on their unique mind power mechanic. They spend mind energy to attack, which they then need to recharge. However, if they have enough mind energy saved up, they can withstand a hit. Probably the trickiest dynasty to master.

Release date
Kaia Studios
Kaia Game Studios Koop. Elkarte Txikia
Kaia Studios
Age rating
10+ Everyone 10+

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel I5 or better
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVidia 550 or better
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
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Last Modified: Oct 1, 2022

Where to buy

PlayStation Store

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41 games
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Use all emotes during a match.
Use all emotes during a match.
Kill 3 players with a single bullet.
I told you not to mess with me
Kill all enemy characters in a match against 2 players.
One is enough
Win using only one character against 2 players.
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Dynasty Feud reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Product received for free Hey, Win the key a while ago. I delight with my experience, as "tester" and to see if I can help to improve it: I Enter the game and I find that I do not like to click on things, and I WTF, I think the idea of trying with the arrows and indeed I work. Well just start I'm lost to my mind, not how it works, I would like to start with a basic tutorial of things like that does everything and how to play. At first I get into local and I do not know what happens every thing or every game, such that I get inside choose my hero and when I get to play I realize I need a command so someone can play with me in local (I thought I could Play against bots, typical to start testing the game), then my face becomes a sadface:(. Back to the main menu! I'M Going to "online" and I say fixed that I get fucked not to play this... Quick Game, "Looking For Players" and like that I get into a lobby and I Joe that fast has found this, fixed that I fuck. I Choose my hero and I find myself in a "lobby" alone, in which nobody enters XD. I wait 5 minutes... No One comes in, Sadface:(. I get into "private game", meh I can not do anything, none of my friends has the game "Friends 402/420" Again sadface:(. Well, nothing but the only thing left is "ranked", I get and just waiting for someone who will not come:(. And The only thing left was the ranking, I'm in the post 294 1000 points, you can also see the top 10 the best 1240 points. If I did the game I'd start with 0, right? You Know that at least if you beat a beating because you are not worse than those who just started XD. Back to the main menu! (The music starts to be repetitive at 13 minutes XD) I Remember I haven't played yet. All I have left is "Training", I get, I choose Hero and I'm going to play, I imagined bots, but not that, are nude figures you throw balls. Besides, I pull the 1-2 minute thought, with that ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Key game? For that testing every letter I get an idea. Little more, I try another hero, I reach the climax (like the multi) after killing a few nude figures. I am Not sincerely disappointed, the game according to steam "€14.99" O. O Last Updates in May, it seems that has many awards of the 2016 just Like me, but both the menu and the movements of the hero are rare, I have a monitor 144hz to 1080p and I notice weird , maybe it's my fault for being wearing this. I do not know... But If you make a PC game, it would be wrong to use the mouse at least for the menu, the game if I understand it with keys or with command. I Definitely don't recommend it. If Al could play against someone, bot or human online. I Do Not think a game of €15, If it works properly at least (If you could play against someone, bot or human on-line), would pay €5. Summary: I Do Not give my + 1
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