Eapple's Sandbox
Eapple's Sandbox is a short project I made over the course of several days.
It is an element-based toy environment with 4 elements and 2 utility tools.
Currently, the elements are:
- Water, the most basic substance
- Freezes, boils, liquifies
- Very blue
- Lava, a hot rock
- Hardens, melts, boils other elements
- Surprisingly orange
- Oil, a conductive liquid
- Freezes, boils, burns
- Golden brown
- Wood, a solid material
- Burns, can create structures
- Oaky dark
There are also two tools for use
- Heat Laser Beam of Doom
- Rapidly heats, boils, and melts elements in a radius
- Wonderfully red
- Eraser Tool
- Erases elements in a radius, in case you're tired of having low framerate
- Remarkably pink
Miscellaneous features include:
- Pausing the game at will
- Selecting individual particles to view their state of matter and heat
The game's name is a direct reference to my Youtube channel, EappleSandbox: