Eat Long And Prosper
Spock is definitely one of my best friends. When I put on those ears, it's not like just another day. When I become Spock, that day becomes something special. - Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015)
Eat Long and Prosper
A game built during the Pre- Critical Hit 2015 game jam February 28th 2015-March 1st 2015. A game built by Jessica Blanchet, Milin Li, Marysa Antonakakis and Gersande La Flèche. Built in less than 48 hours using a custom hand and Vulcan ear controller and a Makey Makey. The game is coded in Processing, and all the graphics were made in Photoshop.
Meet Team Spock- Jessica Blanchet • Makey Makey Hacker and Crochet Sculptor
- Milin Li • Processing Programmer
- Marysa Antonakakis • Photoshop
- Gersande La Flèche • Processing Programmer
Gersande wrote a "making of" blog post here.
CreditsThank you TAG for the space, Gina+Jason+Ida for coordinating the space, and Critical Hit for the theme! And big thanks to the game jammers who allowed us to use you as models and test subjects! :D
Also, to the loyal fans of Star Trek who have uploaded all the sound effects from the series, you are amazing. <3