EcoSim (TsiamDev)

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Hi! My name is Kostas and I am a graduate of Computer Engineering.

I started this project, recently, in a attempt to learn more about python and PyGame.

Soon after embarking on this journey, I got hooked on the development of this simulation. I ended up enjoying the creation of content for this project so much that it expunged my free time of anything else.

But enough about that, let's talk more about what this sim is all about!

*Le Wall of technical stuff* (skip the next paragraph to avoid)

I envision a Cooperative Multiplayer game in which the players will log in a (local-host) website (which I have already setup with the help of the Django web framework) from their cellphones. The main simulation is supposed to be run at a central piece of hardware (like a laptop or PC), but since the sim is written in python, any piece of hardware with a few general purpose cores will be able to run this.

But enough of the technical stuff, lets talk game-play.

This simulation is about a virtual world in which the players control the policies of a business, while things like weather phenomena and their impact on terrain, as well as player-to-player and player-to-AI relations, will actively influence the players' actions.

Are you tired of player 2's inability to have a fun conversation? Well, you can impose tariffs on them (effectively lower the price at which you buy goods from him/her)  and try to openly undermine their business.

On the contrary, are you excited by player 3's outgoingness and fun character? You can practically  give away some resources to them, to help them grow their business!

Are you all tired of squabbling amongst yourselves? Launch player-vs-AI campaigns on other cities to try and buy them out!

Have you managed to take over every city on the map, but forgot to take measures against extreme weather phenomena? Well, sit back and marvel at the latest flood impairing your ability to sustain your newly grown populace.

All of this and more is planned to be intergrated in this ambitious simulation.

If you have any comments, suggestions or you want to contribute in some way to this project, or if you just want to leave a kind word in the comments :), feel free to reaching out and do so.

Until next time, (I plan to keep an active dev-log)



sneak peak:

Main Menu:

Choose the grown plant parameters (in the future each player will be able to choose which plant is planted in which field):

A change in the parameters results in a change in the plant's leaf color:

In game City-view:

In-game City view: The tractor is planting (never-mind the tractor's sense of direction :) ) a crop and the cows are eating grass and producing milk!

In-game City view: the tractor is watering the field (humidity overlay)

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

EcoSim (TsiamDev) screenshot, image №3563715 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Sep 12, 2022

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