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Geneforge 1

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Geneforge is an Indie fantasy role-playing game, the first game in the five-part Geneforge Saga. It features an enormous world, the ability to create your own army of lethal, totally obedient creatures, and a cunning enemy AI with foes who can go on patrols, stalk you, and run for help.

Geneforge has a huge and open storyline. You have the freedom to choose your own path and decide how the story will turn out. You can fight the evil overlord or you can join him. You can help the peasants or you can torment them. You can be the bold hero or you can just try to get away. No matter what you choose, Geneforge offers an enormous adventure with plenty of replay value.

Release date
Spiderweb Software
Spiderweb Software
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • Operating system:Windows® XP / Vista™ / Windows® 7
  • Processor:1.6 GHz CPU
  • Memory:512 MB
  • Hard disk space:300MB
  • Video: OpenGL compliant graphics card
  • Sound:Sound card
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Last Modified: Jun 4, 2023

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1 edit
Let's Play Geneforge Part 1
May 12, 2010
Geneforge Review
Oct 22, 2017
Steam Release - Geneforge Saga Trailer
Nov 2, 2011
Let's Play Geneforge 5 Part 1: A Machine For Ornks
Feb 15, 2014
Avadon 3: The Warborn - First Impression Review
Sep 13, 2016
Spiderweb Software : 24 Years Of CRPG Goodness
Aug 11, 2018
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Geneforge 1 reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
"In this indie fantasy Role-playing game you can choose from three different Classes, you can create your own little" Army "and fight your way through a mysterious World with an open Story. The Game itself I like, but the Graphics are already very "medieval." Instead, I would have liked to see a simple But more appealing graphic. For Nostalgists, probably just the Thing! "---> https://marshmallowplaysgames.wordpress.com/
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
----German Review----I will write the first "Review" in German for People who are simply too lazy or not powerful in the English Language;). Nevertheless, I am now more or less starting my Review with an English Sentence. Finally-i beat the game. The whole thing was heavier than I initially suspected ... I admitted I could have informed myself about the Classes beforehand and would certainly have had it easy. In the Game there are 3 (Shaper, Guardian, agent) Classes, one of which can be chosen in Character creation and then spread your Skill Points. The simplest Class here is the Shaper, the most difficult of the Guardian, but I didn't know that when I started the Game, which is why I played the Guardian myself. The World and Story is well done, since was really made Effort that I miss with many newer Games simply, because there is more Emphasis placed on the Graphics than anything else. Graphically, the Game is to be classified in the "Retro RPG" section, who likes these Games does not do anything wrong here either. The Combat System is round and point-based, each Action (Running, using Items or Attacking) costs points. Depending on the class inventory and Equipment, the Score you have at the Beginning of a Train varies. In Battle, a "self-created Creatures" are involved, they can be created (up to 7 Pieces) and support you in Battle. I would like to give a tip Here, if you put 2 Skill points when creating a Creature in the Section "Intelligence" so you can command the Creature in battle itself, otherwise it runs around and attacks as it has lust and mood. That can get quite annoying if you don't know;). The Game itself is only available in English, but you don't have to read the Story, which is why you can play it if you can't speak English. Even though I recommend everyone to take a closer look at the Story and read along. I found them very successful and interesting. The complete Geneforge Saga (Part 1-5) is available to buy for €19.99million, often up to 80% on offer. That then is around €4€ and they are always worth these Games even if I have only played the first Part so far. So From me a clear Buy recommendation. Here and there there are some small Rucklers, but may also have been located on my Box;). TL: DR 8.5/10 Updated 26.11.2016 For the Steam Awards.
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