Edo Saga (Beta)
Edo Saga is a 2D Fighting game with a campaign story element, it’s inspired by MyBrute (2009) and Ninja Warz (2009), it takes part in an Edo-Medieval world with fantasy aspects, where fighter classes have unique abilities.
The player can recruit fighters by levelling up and gaining RYO (coins), they’ll combat opponents in the Arena where they’ll increase their rank amongst other fighters by defeating opponents. The game includes an adventure campaign which takes the player in a journey through different stages and overcoming opponents to eventually unveil the truth in ‘Tokugawa’.
An academy is where fighters can train to gain some experience and further develop as fighters. The player will battle different opponents, these being human and demonic, when developing its fighter(s), they’ll eventually keep levelling up, and, in every fighter level up, the player will be given 2 options to choose from. Options range from a random attribute upgrade, random weapon, or random amount of RYO.