Created by Nash Muhandes
INTROI've always enjoyed watching those "I Made [Insert Game] Clone in [Insert Some Absurdly Short Time]" videos that are all over Youtube. Feeling inspired, I decided, "hey, I wanna make a Quake clone in 10 days!".
ELDERJAM"ElderJam" is a working title I gave to the project (I needed to name it something, after all). It's a nod to HP Lovecraft. This game was mostly built solo, in 10 days. It was a fun challenge. Some resources and assets were borrowed during the creation process; see CREDITS.txt for full details.
FUTURE?Will ElderJam become a full game? I don't know. I'm currently busy working on another actual game (Darkadia, a first person survival horror game running on the GZDoom engine). After Darkadia ships - and if there's enough demand for it - I'd definitely be open to the idea of making ElderJam an actual, complete game.
SUPPORT ME!If you enjoy ElderJam, and want to further support my game development activities, consider subscribing to my Patreon, or send me a direct donation to Paypal (https://paypal.me/NashMuhandes).
If you choose to donate to me directly, please also e-mail me at [email protected] so that I can come up with some kind of special reward for you!
Also consider pay-what-you-want on the ElderJam OST Bandcamp, or just help spread the word about my creations! Thanks! <3
LINKSItch.io (DOWNLOAD!): https://nashmuhandes.itch.io/elderjam
Patreon: https://patreon.com/NashMuhandes
Paypal: https://paypal.me/NashMuhandes
ElderJam OST BandCamp: https://nashmuhandes.bandcamp.com/album/elderjam
E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NashMuhandes
Youtube: https://youtube.com/NashMuhandes
Facebook: https://youtube.com/NashMuhandes
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/NashMuhandes