Eleanora's Labyrinth
A minotaur's trapped Eleanora in a dark labyrinth with a lamp and sassy cats! Can you help her find her way out?
- Find red, blue, and yellow flames to shatter crystals blocking teleporters
- Push or BLOW UP! boulders along the forked paths
- Unlock bonus features like the music, hairstyle, and flashlight menus
- Complete a perfect game to replay in light mode
We've wanted to try lamp and flashlight effects in Dread Nyanak's MV3D, so we were excited to participate in the Lux Jam's theme, "light and shadow," by building a shadowy maze filled with glowing flames the player could see nearby and faraway.
Assets were mixed between RPG Maker MV's RTP, the engine's character builder, free community resources, and sprites my husband and I made over the jam weekend. We also incorporated kindaw's music from rocknightstudio's Asset Jam 6. Full credits for resources found in the in-game menu and ending.
Windows + Mac OS X + Linux versions available—download for best performance.