Average Playtime: 1 hour

Electric Highways

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Disclaimer: Only play the game if you're fine with the visuals presented in trailer and screenshots. May not be suitable for people with epilepsy.
The color puzzle at the end is a side quest and is not required to finish the game. There's also no timer in the game.

Electric Highways is a game that's all about experience and exploration.The setting takes place in a surreal, virtual world, made out of abstract 3D graphics, where the player must explore ten levels, each with an individual theme. Some levels contain simple puzzles, but for the most part the main focus is exploration. In some ways, the game is like an interactive conceptual music album, where each level is like a short song.

The year is 2072. Virtual reality has become a worldwide phenomenon, allowing people to sink into the virtual web, while experiencing isolation in real life. A VR engineer has finished his virtual reality project, but before uploading it on the web, he decides to visit it for the last time, plunging deeper into his own surreal world.

The atmosphere of the game has been inspired by early 80's electronic music (Gary Numan, Kraftwerk), visual style of games like LSD: Dream Emulator and the 1984 version of the film Metropolis. The project uses 3D engine from 90's.


WASD - Move
Mouse - Look
E - Use
Space - Jump
Esc - Menu


Zykov Eddy - Lead Developer ( http://eddyprojects.blogspot.ru )
Xitilon - Composer ( http://r0.kolenka.su )

Special thanks to: Nerdybat, Ivan Azarov, Micky C, Artem Nevinchanyi, Esdeer, James Stanfield (for water texture), Lezing, dv49, all 80's new wave artists
Logo design - dv49

The game is based on EDuke 32 engine ( http://eduke32.com )
Release date
Zykov Eddy
Siberian Digital
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP or Higher
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 1.3 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Storage: 50 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Sep 17, 2019

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Art games / Alt games / B-games
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Electric Highways reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
A really great game, I can only recommend. Is a bit sick and psycho but at the same time interesting
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
If anyone once again claims that Video Games are not Art, show him this Game. Pure Surrealism. Above All, the beautiful Music puts you in a trance-like state. Only recommended
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I really only tested the Game very briefly, but for me it was immediately clear that it offers me no Entertainment value. I like Games in retro design, but this one is too monotonous for me. Whoever has the Time and Desire to deal with it, may speak out about it. The Game may become interesting as it progresses.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
The Music ... The Story ... The Levels ... (VOR ALLEM THE MUSIK:D) all this just fits too well, it really conveys the Atmosphere and a lot of Fun. Without a lot of Spoilers you should Download it for free and play, take a better look at it and try it yourself first (unless you don't get any further:D you get low) because otherwise you don't get this feeling of the unknown.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Having tested the Game and already got some Levels through, I'm really happy with Electric Highways. This Game requires a lot Of Orientation, otherwise you get lost easily, which is often the Case with Indie/Adventure Games. The Graphics are simple but well designed to match the Name of the Game. The Music changes again and again after Level and becomes quite sinister in some Places, but promises a lot from a Level. The Gameplay is great anyway, only you have to get used to the Controls a little bit, but otherwise the Game is a lot of Fun, but it's free:) It's definitely Worth it and drives every Gamer away the Boredom:)
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free Electric Highways is a short and simple Game, both in Graphics and gameplay. The Graphic is reminiscent of the early Beginnings of the Game graphics, which in some certainly lead to Flashbacks. This is also true of the Soundtrack: Simple, retrograde and matching each of the 10 Levels. The Gameplay consists of Searching and Finding the respective "Key" (a red Symbol) that is associated with a specific, clearly marked wall. The Wall lowers and the next Level starts and works according to exactly the same Scheme. That sounds monotonous, but I recommend the Game. Not just because it's free, but because this "2015 product" represents the 80s well and there's a Message behind it. What I also recommend is a compulsive Activation of VSync via the control Of Nvidia or AMD, otherwise the resulting Tearing (Image Tearing) will fall negatively on the Optics and your PC will not necessarily have to run the Game in 1000 FPS (none FPS limit).
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