Eleven (itch) (Two Doomed Penguins)
Eleven is a 2D Repetitive Puzzle Simulator™ where your character has touched a mysterious, but cursed clock. Now, stuck in a dimension where time flies by, you have to solve puzzles (Straight Out Of Hell™) to reach the end portal that leads out of this dimension that troubles you.
While you’re crawl through this world you can find items (clocks, eleven of them!) that raises your limited time. Because you’re starting with just 20 seconds on the clock. This, as being said, can be raised so you have more time to go deeper into this dungeon-like dimension.
Have a close eye on what each lever or button does, there are multiple possibilities. Dont forget to avoid traps of all sorts.
Now then, up to this point you have probably spend more time reading than your starting time might be. Time to get out of this loop. Lets go!
- MAC and LINUX version are not tested
- This game is hard, but we tested everything and you can reach and gather everything in the game!
- W/A/S/D/Arrow Keys - Movement
- Space - Use / Activate
- ESCape - Pause Game
Known Issues:
- Hard AF
- Sometimes weird stuff happens with the camera, we know about this but couldnt find a fix in time. If you're stuck because of something like this, just wait until the counter resets the game - sorry for that!
- Christian
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/key_user
- Christian
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeathStorm1987
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/deathstorm_de/
- I would like to stream your Games, just enter it in this Form: https://forms.gle/eSwKEnw2Y3v3q46J8
Other Credits:
- Font:
- The Wild Breath of Zelda
- Sounds:
- Win Sound - Dungeon Audio Kit
- Clock Ticking Tuning 4 Sound Effect
- Door Squeking Opening A7 Sound Effect
- Mechanical Keyboard Single Button Presses 9 Sound Effect
- Magic Spell A Secretive Sound Effect, Fireball Magic Attack B Sound Effect, Video Game Secret Sound C1 Slow Reverse Sound Effect
- Bass Drum Hit Level 6c Sound Effect
- Breaking Bones B3 Sound Effect
- Picking Up Keys From Floor 2 Sound Effect
- Magic Spell A Secretive Slow Sound Effect
We cant wait for your response and feedback! Thank you so much!