Enlighten (Midenoth, Snopingas, TamiaMetal76, Frog, pANiie, 3DBlendemic, KawaMel, Lady Pouip)
Trapped in a house full of illusions, you are trying to find your way out. Usually a foe, Darkness will be your best friend in this task...
"Enlighten" is a puzzle-game based adventure developped by a team of game design and game art students from France.
The game was developped as an entry to Brackeys Game Jam 2022 in 7 days.
Controls : (keyboard and mouse only)
- ZQSD or WASD (click to swap controls) => Move the character
- A or Q / E => Rotate the room 90 degrees
- Space => Jump
- Left click => interact with objects :
- Lights
- Illusions
Change your controls :
- Click on AZERTY / QWERTY
- In the Title Screen
- Or in game, press the ESCAPE button
Meet the team:
Project Lead: Jeanne Aubry
Gameplay Programming: Max Droulez & Nicolas Cadre.
Game Design: Jeanne Aubry & Max Droulez.
Level Design: Jeanne Aubry & Robinson Vuillemin.
Sound Design: Nicolas Cadre.
2D Art: Sophie Zorrilla & Mèle Boudra.
UI Design: Sophie Zorrilla.
3D Art: Anita Boualavong, Damien Charré, Thomas Chevrolet, Frédéric Faure & Loïc Cordonnier.
Thanks for playing ! <3
Do not hesitate to give us feedback on how to improve the game further.