Equilibrium (itch) (Seldatron)
Save Our Kōura!
Kōura is the Māori name for crayfish. And this cute living creature is in danger. It needs your help to survive.
An introduced algae used in goldfish bowls has been carelessly discarded. The weed is now running rampant in our waterways. It threatens to block our native Kōura from their natural food source, native green algae.
Help restore our Kōura by stopping the weed algae from spreading and protecting them from predators.
Come join our dive crew. Help stop the weed algae spreading and fight off predators to protect our precious Kōura by building understanding and knowledge of the wisdom of Mātauranga Māori, the ancestral knowledge systems of the Māori people of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Through building your awareness you will use whiria te muka (naturally woven flax tapestries) to build a safe place for our Kōura to thrive.
Help restore EQUILIBRIUM to our valuable ecosystem.
Manaaki whenua, Manaaki tangata, Haere whakamua | Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward!