ESCAPE - The Horror

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You must escape.

You cannot fight.

You have 4 days.

Wish you good luck.



Use the WASD keys to Move.

Use the Mouse to Look Around.

Press SPACE to Jump.

Press LEFT CONTROL / C to Crouch. (TOGGLE / HOLD)

Left-Click to Pick-up Items / Interact with objects.

Right-Click to Throw picked up items.

Press ESCAPE / P to Pause The Game.

I pray for your survival.


Use the Left Joystick to Move.

Use the RIGHT SIDE of the screen to Look Around.

Press the JUMP button to Jump.

Press the CROUCH button to Crouch.

Press the TAKE button to Take / Pick-up items.

Press the DROP button to Drop / Throw picked up items.

Press the INTERACT button to interact with objects.

Press the PAUSE button to Pause The Game

Try not to die!


1. Why is the PC version paid?

Because I need to pay the bills (in the future).

2. Why is the Android Version free then?


3. Will the game be released on other platforms such as Steam, Google Play Store and Apple App Store?

It really depends on its performance here at, but I do wish to release them there one day, at the very least on Google Play Store.

4. Will the game be updated regularly?

I don't usually update my games, but since this is my first commercial game, I think I might make an exception.

Developer Comments:

Hello everyone! This is my first commercial game, so go easy on me (laughs).

Anyway, I think the game turned out pretty well for such a short development time (2.5 weeks). That's right, 2.5 weeks! It may seem short, but I really tried my best to complete this game.

It's pretty obvious, but this game is inspired by classic horror arcade games such as Granny and Evil Nun, so fans of these games will probably enjoy it.

I sincerely hope that fans of the horror genre will enjoy what I have developed. Also, all ideas and suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated!


NOTE: Lower game graphics if there are performance issues. (REMEMBER: You can also disable reflections and shadows in-game) (Most shadows are disabled at LOW graphics quality)

1. You can hide in lockers.

2. The enemy can only see its front.

3. You can hear the enemy. (Remember to wear headphones!)

4. The enemy can hear you. (Be careful!)

5. There are 2 escape methods. (For now, at least)

6. "Walk + Crouch" to reach greater heights! (Especially when you can't jump)

7. Remember! You can always try custom difficulty settings! (Yeah, I suck at game balancing)

8. There are objects in objects! Get it? (No? Don't worry, you will, someday...)

9. YOU CAN NOW ENABLE RETRO SONY PS1 / PSX GRAPHICS! (I used to play the original  Sony Playstation back in the day, those were good times alright)

10. Have Fun!


12/1/2023 (v1.0.0) - Initial Release

18/1/2023 (v1.0.1) - Fixed Some Bugs & Added macOS Version (I don't have a Mac, so comment down below if there are issues)

26/1/2023 (v1.0.2) - Some Quality of Life Changes (Changed Lighting, Added Reflections, Option to TOGGLE or HOLD Left-Control / C to Crouch, Option to Disable Reticle (Provides More Immersion), etc.)

27/1/2023 (v1.0.3) - Changed Lighting (Again) (I also replaced the "fog" in NIGHTMARE mode with some (IMO) better lighting, but do let me know down in the comments if you want the "fog" back again)

29/1/2023 (v1.0.4) - NEW: RETRO SONY PS1 / PSX GRAPHICS! (Also, you can now DISABLE SHADOWS and MOTION BLUR is now OFF by default)

7/2/2023 (v1.0.4) -  Fixed a bug where certain objects can't be picked up / interacted with (ANDROID version ONLY)

Planned Features:

1. More Items, Tools, Escape Methods, etc. (More things to do? YES.)

2. A Bigger House. (Who doesn't like more space?)

3. A Scarier Enemy. (Currently looks......meh, could be better)

4. Better Lighting. (Looks fine now, but could be better)

5. New Mechanics. (Welcome any and all ideas in the comments section!)

6. Improve Performance on Mobile Devices. (It's kinda laggy on my Android, especially on NIGHTMARE MODE<_<)

Known Bugs / Issues:


Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Android

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Feb 17, 2023

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