Evol Ether: Evolving Ether Simulation

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Simulated ether that collectively grows and evolves. Each pixel is one lifeform among many, each with their own characteristics.

Using a highly efficient loop, Evol Ether allows thousands of pixel lifeforms to move, reproduce, and evolve every second. Colliding pixels exchange energy, destroy each other, and reproduce all in fractions of a second. Color values affect these collisions in that Red trumps Green, Green over Blue, and Blue over Red. There are millions of color combinations. More pixels can be spawned by clicking the mouse anywhere. Scrolling zooms in/out, click and drag to pan.

Each pixel has its own genes passed to its offspring with mutations. These include color values, alteration of colors in offspring, movement patterns, and collision detection. Movement patterns are a limitless table of movements which will evolve. For each child, the table can be expanded with new moves, moves removed, and moves spliced in. All moves are one of 8 directional shifts for the pixel with extra moves for those with more life, indicated by size and brightness.

Crowding Max sets the maximum neighboring pixels each can have before dying of overcrowding. The higher the Colony variable, the less lifeforms will attack similar colors, and the lower the colony variable, the more they will attack colors closer to their own. Variation represents the probability of a new lifeform to have a mutated color. The Decay factor is a constant reduction of life in each lifeform.

Balance begets life. Explore the chaos of the ether. | Contact | Evol Games

Release date
Evol Games
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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