Average Playtime: 27 hours

Fable II

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This game supports English. Download Fable II, the best-selling action role-playing game, in which you take on the role of a Hero in the fully realised land of Albion. Play through an epic story, become the world’s greatest fighter, gunslinger or mage. Explore dozens of open, unique environments with your faithful dog. Make friends, fall in love and start a family. Meet hundreds of characters and face some very tough decisions. In Fable II, everything you do has a consequence. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see www.xbox.com/live/accounts.

System requirements for Xbox 360

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Last Modified: Jan 17, 2025

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1,000,000 items
The Colourist
You, or a friend, managed to collect all the special dyes secreted in other worlds.
The Fowl Player
A Hero dressed as a chicken and proceeded to kick many of its own kind. We're sickened.
The Concierge
All the Demon Doors in Albion have been opened. No wonder there’s an unnatural draught.
The Dollcatcher
You, or a friend, collected all the Hero dolls. Shame you can't auction them off now.
The Combatant
The Colosseum's resident necromancer stood little chance against such a Hero.
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[( Descendants 3 )] 2019 | Streaming HD [720p]
Here's what's going on. Sorry everyone.
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Fable II reviews and comments

replayed in 2020.  Its still really good.
On paper this really seems like the perfect sequel to the first Fable, an entirely new story, and world that builds on the mechanics and lore of the original without being fan-servicey, and as this was my first introduction to the series and the game I grew up with, I was very excited to return to it. But after playing Fable: Anniversary to death, this one feels almost lacking somehow, yes the combat is significantly dumbed down, the lack of enemy blocking and the combat multiplier I can excuse, but the removal of nearly all the support combat spells and the whole mana managing aspect leaves a big hole and turns the combat not from a frustrating but almost strategic mess like the original, but a boring slog that seems to only exist to pad the games length. Shame about the silver chests and to a lesser extent the Demon Doors too as the rewards that lie within them nearly aren’t worth the hassle, especially the chests which only ever contain gold or augments.

 Speaking of padding, the much hailed property buying mechanic, is expanded on exponentially in Fable II, bringing a completely new side to the game, with varying results. Now it is nice to be able to buy all these properties and look back on your empire of economy-crashing realty, and it does give a much needed life to the end game, but it really only exists to supplement your income, and much like Fable I, once you make all that money there is nothing to really spend it on. Again it’s a nice thing to have (and the flavour text of each property makes every purchase feel unique) but it is just too disjointed from the narrative and doesn’t really do enough to justify its own existence. The story is another thing I take a slight slight issue with. As although the side quests are much more fleshed-out and interesting this time around, it comes at the dire cost of the main story feeling bland and rushed. Now a generic story is nothing new, but spending the whole game hyping up an alliance of the 4 last heroes, just for the final mission to limp its way towards the end as soon as they finally team up seems like a giant slap in the face to those that were expecting something more. I have nothing against any of the characters (though it’s clear Reaver was the only one they put real effort in to, not that I’m complaining) but more quests to flesh out their stories would’ve made the ending go down a lot smoother, something kind of like the loyalty missions from Mass Effect. I also wish Theresa would remind me that my health was low in a timely fashion.

 Another thing they’ve changed that I can’t say I fully agree with is the entire art-style itself. Gone are the cartoonishly enlarged extremities of the characters or the absurdly large armour sets in favour of a more grounded and realistic take. I imagine this is to reflect the modernisation of Albion but it takes away a lot of the charm for me personally. The 2 DLCs that released for this game are also sufficiently entertaining although it feels like they only exist to supply the player with unique items that can even break early progression if you’re not careful, this is especially true for Knothole Island, as it feels like the town and even the quest itself is pushed aside to show the weather-changing mechanics and to shower you in items.

 That being said, I do really love the world Lionhead has created this time around, building on the generic fantasy setting of the first into an Enlightenment/Fantasy hybrid that never takes itself too seriously, the writing is just as sharp and witty as the first with a lot more items for them to insert their always creative flavour texts in to. The music is also just as charming and fairytale-like. Everything in this game just feels so lovingly crafted right down to the smallest detail, it is really hard to dislike it.

 In many ways this feels like the Evil Dead II to Fables The Evil Dead. Bigger, more expensive, and in theory better in every way, but lacking some of the charm and authenticity of the original. The real tragedy though is that I wish I could compare Fable III to Army of Darkness, hey wait a minute...
Weak Plot:
Although «Fable II» has many strong points, its plot is somewhat weak. The main story is quite simple and doesn't offer deep plot twists or complex characters. Story missions can seem predictable and linear, which reduces the overall interest in the game. However, the game's unique features and the impact on the world can compensate for this drawback for many players who are more focused on gameplay and world exploration.

Business and Landlord Simulator:
The player can acquire real estate, shops, or houses to generate passive income. This makes the economic aspect of the game significant, as rental and business income allows for financing the purchase of equipment, upgrades, and even influencing the economy of towns. Investments in real estate also affect the appearance and condition of towns, adding depth to the game mechanics and a simulator effect.

The World Changes Based on Your Actions:
The choices made by the player directly affect the appearance of the character, NPC reactions, the state of towns, and even the landscape. For example, good deeds can turn you into a hero for the locals, while evil deeds will make people fear and hate you. You can also notice how your decisions change the appearance of villages and towns - from poor and dirty to prosperous and wealthy.

«Fable II» is a game that stands out for its deep world-influencing system and the ability to become an entrepreneur and landlord. Despite the weak plot, the game offers many opportunities for interacting with the environment and creating a unique gaming experience. If you enjoy seeing how your decisions change the world around you and watching the economy develop or decay, Fable II is worth your attention.
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