This contains a polishing pass over FACE ROLL, originally submitted to the MiniJam 45 - (Pocket sized) dungeons (10-13/01/2020).
Puzzle game where you play a cube, elements stick to your sides, and you can use them to interact with the world.
Mouse: Left mouse to interact with the world, right click for camera rotation.
Touch: tapping to interact with the world, 2 fingers for camera rotation.
02/02/2020: Android build, Mini options, credits.
01/02/2020: Level selector (still needs visual improvement).
30/01/2020: Minimallistic in-game UI, level info.
25-29/01/2020: UI Juice, score.
19-24/01/2020 [invisible work]: Experimentation with mechanics (2.5D levels), code refactoring. Not used in the current version.
17/01/2020: quality of life patch: persistent scores, retry level once finished, tutorial levels for each skill.
12/01/2020: minijam submission