Facotor D Demo
In this DEMO only "TRINITY" is playable
"F" to play full screen. play in full screen because when you press the up (or "W") and down (or "S") arrows the scroll of the itch.io screen moves.
In battle press "1" to deactivate the flash when it charges energy. You can turn it back on by pressing "1" again
Controls A,S,D Defense And Specials J,K,L Attacks When you are attacking you can also increase the power bar, to increase the damage. Look at the section "HOW TO PLAY", for more details
Press "G" in the menu screen to visit STEAM PAGE
Or click here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1887360/FACTOR_D/
TURN-BASED FIGHTING GAMED-FACTOR Features innovative gameplay with a FIGHTING GAME visualization and fast-paced turn-based gameplay. Enjoy its incredible MANGA-style illustrations, finish the game with each character to discover part of their story.
Select one of 12 playable characters to unlock their endings and hidden characters
GAME MODETurn-based battle with quick time event system, if it is your turn to attack, the buttons that you can press will appear, CHARGE POWER or NORMAL ATTACK, FREE COMBO (This last one is random so you have to pay close attention), also when performing a certain amount of Accurate hits will activate an AUTOMATIC COMBO. When defending, the buttons will appear on your character, by making several blocks you can break the enemy's combo and gain some life
POWER CHARGE TO THE MAX, your basic attack gets a % more strength as your super attack, with the power charge to the maximum in your attack turn you can perform a super attack that will always be 10 times a normal hit.
ALL SKILLS can be upgraded by winning a battle as well as increasing life
Game made by SSJIN3 (Omar Carrizo)