Fall of The Cog

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A turn based strategy game in which you play elemental entity trying to clean up whole planets from ultra-expansive mechanical invaders called The Cog.  The only thing you have at your disposal are the natural disasters.

Click anywhere on the planet to place a disaster.
Turn will finish automatically once all of your disasters have been placed.

Game rules

  • Your objective is to destroy all of the enemy cities.
  • Game plays in turns representing years. Each turn you draw 3 to 5 disaster cards (depending on difficulty) and place them on the map in given order.  After all disasters have been placed, they are executed and the damage to enemy cities is applied. Enemy then replicates and city growth is applied.
  • All enemy cities will grow by 1 each turn up to size 7. Size of a city is represented by a number on the map. Cities of size 7 will not grow but will instead spawn a new city of size 1 at the nearest available location. This makes them particularly dangerous.
  • There are 4 types of disaster at your disposal: fire, hurricane, earthquake and flood, each represented by a different symbol on a card. Every disaster has a radius which is represented by the number on a card. All disasters inflict exactly 1 damage inside their radius.
  • The key tactical element is to combine disasters to inflict maximal damage to cities in a turn. A single disaster will cause 1 damage to a city. A subsequent disaster will do 1 damage by itself and 1 bonus damage per each previous disaster in that city. There is a catch though. If a certain type of disaster already happened in the city, any subsequent disaster of the same type will have no effect.
  • Example: a fire disaster causes 1 point of damage. Subsequent flood does 1 point, plus 1 bonus point because city is already affected by the fire. And finally an earthquake strikes causing 1 point of damage by itself, plus 1 due to previous fire and plus 1 because of previous flood, totaling to 6 damage.
  • The rule of thumb is (given that all disasters are of different type): 
    • 1 disaster = 1 damage
    • 2 disasters = 3 damage
    • 3 disasters = 6 damage
    • 4 disasters = 10 damage

Design, code and graphics: Nenad Jalšovec
Music: Abstraction

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Sep 7, 2021

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