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It is an open source MMO RTS sandbox game for programmers, wherein the core mechanic is programming your units AI. With all the attributes of a full-fledged strategy game, you control your colony by writing real JavaScript which operate 24/7 in the single persistent world filled by other players on par with you.
Your colony can harvest resources, build units, conquer territory, trade with another colonies. As you conquer more territory, your influence in the game world grows, as well as your abilities to expand your footprint. However, it requires a lot of effort on your part, since multiple players may aim at the same territory.
Screeps is developed for people with programming skills. Unlike some other RTS games, your units in Screeps can react to events without your participation – provided that you have programmed them properly. And, unlike other MMO, you do not have to play Screeps constantly to play well. It is quite enough just to check once in a while to see if everything goes well.
You play by writing JavaScript AI which controls your units 24/7 even while you're offline.
Units of all players coexist in the same real-time huge persistent world and obey the same rules.
Many kinds of units, base building, mining resources, territory control, economy, manufacturing, transporting, logistics, trading – all the attributes of a real strategy game which you need to program!
The better your scripts, the better your game — irrespective of the time played. Your creeps will mine, build, defend, and conquer as you just work, sleep, or walk your dog.
Only basic programming skills are required. However, if you are a pro developer, now is the chance to put your skills to the limit!
Edit your scripts from the in-game editor, or using your favorite external IDE.
Lifetime MMO access with 10 CPU limit included in the starter package. Raise your CPU limit to the point depending on your game level by purchasing a CPU subscription plan or via in-game items called Subscription Tokens. The subscription cost is the same for all players, there is no way to pay more to gain more advantages.
Host your own server, modify games rules and play with your friends via LAN or on the Internet. No subscription required. The server is an open source project.
And many more features to come! (see Roadmap)

System requirements for Linux

  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 500 MB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 500 MB available space

System requirements for PC

  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 17, 2025

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Screeps Nooby Guide #1: Choosing a room and setting up IDE - by th_pion
Jun 26, 2016
Screeps Nooby Guide #2: Harvesting Energy - by th_pion
Jun 27, 2016
Screeps — #01 Базовые возможности
Jul 16, 2016
ShootNick TV
Screeps Nooby Guide #3: Upgrading the Controller - by th_pion
Jun 28, 2016
Screeps Nooby Guide #4: Spawning Creeps - by th_pion
Jun 29, 2016
Screeps Nooby Guide #5: Building Things - by th_pion
Jun 30, 2016
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Screeps HL
Learning to play screeps on my own private server
Screeps <3 noobing
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Screeps reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
A really good Game for Programmers or aspiring Programmers. If you can program or want to program, you can learn about This wonderfully JavaScript. The Game is constantly evolving, but not so fast that your own Code base needs to be constantly adjusted. The Bot can be written fully automated, so it's just right for working players who don't want to actively participate in the Game on a daily Basis. The Bot continues to run 24/7. To write a really good fully automated bot, however, you have to bring Time. However, Semi-automatic Bots can be developed relatively quickly. You can get informed about special Events by email and retrieve a Replay a Week into the Past to see what happened and where the Bot still has Problems. You'd think Newcomers are frequently overrun by Top-ranked players. But the Size of the Top Players is limited by the so-called global control level, for whose Increase one has to pay with sharply increasing ingame resources. You just shouldn't put yourself close to the Top Players unless you like the Challenge. But You can choose your Starting Position yourself and at the rather quieter Edge of the World you have no significant economic Disadvantages. In contrast to the initial Recommendation of Screeps, I too have chosen a Position on the Edge of the World, where I have never been annihilated for almost 2 Years, despite deficient Defensive Codes. The Defender in Screeps is in a significantly better Position than the Attacker, which makes it easier to defend himself. You should also be able to read and write English to understand the REALLY well-documented API. There are also Leaderboards that are redesigned on a monthly basis. So I have seen more often how Newcomers have overtaken the Old established in the Rankings. The historical Leaderboards can be retrieved at any time, so the Fame does not expire. I can only recommend the Game today to anyone who has some Interest in Programming.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
VORAB: This Recommendation only applies to People who have solid Basic Knowledge of at least one Programming language, for everyone else I DO NOT recommend it! Screeps is a Real-time Strategy Game that is controlled exclusively by JavaScript, you get an API (http://docs.screeps.com/api/) and have to work out your own Solutions to get ahead in the Game. From finding the Way to resources to Defense, everything has to be programmed into JavaScript. The Game is divided into Spaces that are taken over by Controller and Spawn, our People are made up Of Creeps, they provide resources, Upgrades, the Rise of our Space and ultimately also the Defense. In the Course Of the Game, provided that we are strong enough, we can also erorable other Rooms. The special thing about Screeps is that the source Code entered directly, in Real time, affects what Is happening. So It can be optimized and intervened at any time. Anyone who buys Screeps through Steam can set up your own private Server and play immediately without any additional Costs, the Installation on a dedicated server is also, provided appropriate Knowledge, possible. I have Screeps running on a Linux vServer myself and can therefore say that it is possible to do so, but for a permanent Stable Multiplayer operation it remains to be recommended to buy a Root Server. If you just want to participate in the developers ' official Servers, you first have a Limit of "30 CPU" for 30 Days after that, this lowers to "10 CPU" monthly, which is likely to be enough and Is available at no further Cost. If you don't necessarily want to play on the Developers ' Servers, you can also look around the private Servers. Conclusion: If you enjoy constantly expanding and optimizing your own Source code, you can get your Money's worth here, so I can also write that the Game reaches your own Target Audience. If you can't do anything with Source code or don't know what this is With terms like API, Constants, variables, arrays, Loops, functions or return values, you should definitely leave your Fingers off it and, if you're Interested, acquire Knowledge into JavaScript first, as it's Otherwise, only could end in Frustration.
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