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Civitatem is a medieval city builder where you help your villagers raise a new settlement in dangerous lands by making use of their skills and available world resources. Shape the future of your people by managing and assigning the most skilled villager for each task. Educate them and research new technologies, fight off the natural elements or raiders and explore the land for new villages to develop new trades routes, acquire new technologies and develop diplomatic relations.

The most important resource are your villagers, each specialized in some areas, gaining experience each time they perform a task. Educate them in schools and libraries to allow them to perform more complex tasks and jobs. Besides education the health of your people is imperative so herbalists and doctors are also quite important.

Nature has always had her way since the beginning of time, so be prepared each season to face storms, disease, quakes and other events. Gaining high education, technology and constructing a strong settlement will help you survive in these troublesome times, but be prepared to defend your village from raiders, wild animals and unfriendly neighbors.Features:
  • Procedural Maps - Territory Maps and Land maps are procedural generated along with the resources.
  • Villager Needs - Each villager has a certain numbers of needs for him to survive. Not fulfilling his needs like having access to food, shelter and water, might lead to the villager's death or him and his family departing your lands..
  • Dynamic Events - Every season is a challenge. From a chance to being raided by some greedy raiders, getting attacked by wildlife or experiencing a natural disaster, there is no time to relax, unless you are prepared. Not all events are negative. There are also positive events that might help your village grow faster.
  • Seasons, Day and Night cycle and Weather - Seasons are important due to weather, temperature and times to harvest and plant crops.
  • Research System - By educating and acquiring books for your people you can develop new technologies ranging from military to farming and architecture. Some technologies will be unlocked only when you perform certain actions.
  • Crafting - having the best armors, weapons and tools is the route to success in these dangerous lands.
  • Territory Exploration and Diplomacy - Besides your territory, you can send scouts to search the land for other villages and points of interest with which you can interact, providing rewards ranging from acquiring new books for your libraries to developing trade treaties or other diplomatic relations.
Release date
George Neguceanu
LW Games
LW Games, Mill Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 CPU
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GT/s 2xx or Equivalent
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 600 MB available space
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Last Modified: Feb 27, 2023

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Civitatem reviews and comments

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Product received for free Early Access Review Civitatem Civitatem is from developer studio George Neguceanu and publisher LW Games. Civitatem is a medieval City Builder where you can help your Villagers set up a new Settlement in dangerous Areas using their Skills and available Resources in the World. Shape the Future of your Employees by Mentoring the Villagers for each Task. Explore new Technologies, fight the natural Elements or Looters, explore the Country for new Villages, develop new Trade Routes, acquire new Technologies and develop new diplomatic Relations. Gameplay Man launches in a foreign uncharted Territory where there is currently nothing but Resources. There are many different Jobs in Civitatem that you can give to your Villagers, but in the Beginning you should have 2 Builders, 2 Miners and 2 Loggers (In the Beginning you only have 6 Villagers) so that you can buy the Basic Resources (this is also in the ' tutorial ') And can start to build up a Village. I recommend to buy Food and Drink on the first Day, otherwise you will have Problems with it on the second Day that the Residents no longer have Energy to Work. Currently there is no Research me is yet, but also not known if any Research's System will be added. Before you create a new Game, you can create a Village chief, you can enter it, enter its Family Name, decide whether to er/them be male or female and choose 2 Out of 11 Specifications besides, you can still decide how to choose the Village Which is meant to be. After that, you can choose a Level Of Difficulty (Everyone has a different Goal). There is a Tag/night cycle where Villagers go to Bed at certain Times. There is also winter and Summer in Civitatem. The individual Professions are here: Wood cuter builder miner Forager farmer Herblist Hunter Baker Blacksmith These Are all current Professions in Civitatem. There are a lot of Buildings and there are more to come. The individual Buildings are called: Stockpile | There you can store Resources House | Housing for the Villagers Barn | Keep all the Food except bread Well | Fountain where Residents can take a drink on their own Road | A Street where Residents can get around a little faster Blacksmith | Build Winder Witness Herblist | Makes Potions that Can cure residents Hunting Lodge | Hunters (if you have any) who are there hunting Animals for Meat and Fur Field | If you have Seeds you can grow a Field there Windmill | Produces Grain what among other things the Baker needs To make Bread Bakery | Produced Bread from the Grain you get from the Windmill. Note Civitatem is not out for very long, so it could be that there are Updates in the Future, the Innovations of which I did not take into account in the Review. Rating Pro-Beautiful Soundtrack-Beautiful Design-Low System Requirements Contra-Unfortunately Not Available in German-There is no real Tutorial, but an 11 Side text to read through (in the Tip it are Available conclusion & price/performance it Relationship Civitatem is a nice Game for in between and for just currently €12.99b a real Bargain. The Game has a good Soundtrack and is really Fun. In My Opinion, it is recommended. Did you like the Review? Then we follow our Review Programme. Improvement suggestions or Criticism gladly in the Comments.
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