Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
A Diamond of indie horrors.
I was honored to be the first to write a review of this game for the Russian community in the steam and write, believe me, there is something. I'll Start with the fact that I bought it literally at once, as soon as I saw it in the list of recommended and viewed the trailer-gloomy graphic style and music throwing in discomfort in the compartment with creepy enemies sold to me. But This is not all that is in this game, oh no, believe me, it touches your deepest depths of the soul through extreme subjects. Sex, eating corpses and living people each other, monsters with a completely lost design, came of your nightmares-it's only entourage. The Gloom and madness are truly Berserkovskoe. If you are a fan of Berserker, you can not even read-take immediately, do not disappoint, I garantie it.
If you are still interested in the details then read on. So, the game consists of: a Gloomy oppressive atmosphere-the Environment, the Dianay enemies, released to them eerie sounds, music and sounds of the environment create the perfect pressure mood.
Encounters with dangerous enemies, each of which is a threat, but the game has no experience and kill enemies is not necessary, sometimes it is better not to climb them, but they can have useful items, plus with their corpses can perform various manipulations, such as extracting Souls to the Soul stones to get new abilities, well, some of them will be pretty quick to pounce on you, so you have to defend yourself;
Unpleasant, sometimes very, surprises. Once in one of the long races I returned to the starting location and met there a merchant potions, bought from him 1 (gave the opportunity to buy only 1), and it was a poison, although it was written that it is a health potion.
Nasty and creepy things you have to do to survive and move on story. Far behind the example of walking is not necessary: literally on the ground floor you can release the child from the cage and then sacrifice it on the altar or to engage in sexual intercourse (but neither of which I do not recommend, there is another way), and not just so-each of these actions Has consequences and strengthens your connection with the old gods, allowing you to learn their skills (and without them to pass the game is impossible-on one attack and defense far away, and Tan will be incomplete). There are truly unique skills and abilities, for example, you can shag the corpse of a newly killed enemy, with the help of a high-level ability to extract from it a demonic child, which will grow to then surrender its NPCS to obtain a unique luta (or To leave in a team, when will be completely adult-will be warrior), you somewhere else saw such?
Also There is a thoughtful lor, there are arches of characters, which you meet during the game, a good story and a few endings.
It Should be said that the gameplay corresponds to the setting and genre for all 120%-the game is complex and only to understand its fundamentals you have to destroy several characters. Yes what is there to only find and reach the FIRST Sewa you have to suffer. To Make your life easier in this game I will give you some free tips: you Can interact with many objects (as it usually happens in good games on RPG Maker)-You see a barrel-come and search, see the plant grows-come and Pick up. Plants are red, blue and green. Green cures infections (but not poison), blue treats health, red increases the effect of blue (and kind of like green, but I'm not quite clear how). Doors can be opened with a lock (a certain character), knock out (but only if the damage for 1 stroke is sufficient), melt the red flask. Notes and Books are very important, because they hide not only the ENT (and warning about possible dangers), but also recipes-without reading the relevant books, you will not be able to prepare nutritious food and produce potions and other things. Sometimes talking can defeat the monster or entice to your side-experiment.
The Only fruit of many moments in this game is a coin toss. You See, if you found somewhere chest and bookshelf, then just pick up the loot you can not-ask for a coin and with a chance of 50/50 you are either lucky to find a thing, or there will be nothing. Also the toss of the coin is used in fights with some enemies and in a pair of events in the game where with 50% chance the game will end immediately. That's a lot of people do not like it, but personally for me all of the above overlaps this mechanics, so the Game is unequivocally and warmly recommended by me to all lovers of darkness and horror.
If you have any questions, you can go to the discussion, and there will almost certainly be a response in English, if you do not want to talk with foreigners-ask me right here and I will try to answer.