FELDSPAR is a turn-based board game of strategy, cunning, and guts!
You and the AI opponent take turns moving pieces and placing blocks on the board
to trap your opponent.
If your opponent can't move, you win! (and vice-versa)
Nine different piece types, each with different movement and special abilities:
- Throw blocks forward or backward
- Teleport other players
- Jump over pieces
- Destroy blocks in your path
- Pick up stars to destroy blocks
With over 100 levels, FELDSPAR offers hours of replayable fun!
You're the blue team. You and the red team take turns moving pieces.
The first player that has no valid moves loses.
If a player has a King, and the King has no valid moves, that player loses.
Most piece types leave behind a block on the board after moving.
Pieces cannot move into a block (unless they have a star).
Players can collect a star by capturing it with a piece. Each star captured allows the player to destroy one block.
Pieces can only destroy blocks that are 4-adjacent to a piece (up, down, left, right). The piece then moves into that square.
Pieces that fire blocks capture a star if the block lands on it.
Protinus: Slides like a chess rook, in four directions until it hits a block or another piece. After moving, fires a block in the direction of travel until it hits a block, player, or end of field. If there are no empty squares in front of it, it drops a block in its previous square.
Recessim: Same as Protinus but fires a block in the direction opposite travel.
Regina: Slides like a chess queen, in eight directions. Drops a block in its previous square.
Claudos: Moves one square in eight directions, then if not blocked can move an additional square in four directions. Drops a block in its previous square.
Dissolvo: Moves one square in eight directions. Can teleport an opponent's piece by capturing it. The opponent's piece is moved to a random empty square. The capturing piece takes the square previously held. If no piece was captured, it drops a block in its previous square. Note: If a teleported piece lands on a star, it captures the star.
Exilio: Moves one square in four directions. If there is a block in the direction of travel, that block is removed. If not, then a block is either fired in the direction of travel (if there is an empty square) or dropped in the previous square.
Volito: Moves exactly two squares in the four directions, and optionally one square to either side. The landing square must be empty, but obstacles in between are ignored.
Salaco: Slides like a chess queen, in eight directions. After moving, fires a block in the direction of travel until it hits a block, player, or end of field. Can also teleport any piece in its movement path. If no piece was captured, it drops a block in its previous square.
King: Moves one square in eight directions. If a player has a King, and the King has no valid moves, that player loses.
The winner's score is equal to the number of turns taken (less = better).