Final Voyage (Deviztated)
Hey everyone, I've always wanted to create an RPG, like many I was inspired by games such as Final Fantasy, Balder's Gate, Gauntlet Legends etc.
Within the project I'm creating I want to make the game fun for the player, while also keeping the game open to as many people as possible.
I have quite a bit of goals for this game I'm hoping to reach, I plan to support it for as long as possible by adding things like:
-New maps
-New Animations
-New Quests
-New Stories
-Multi platform support
etc.. You get the point, I plan to support this game as much as possible.
It's going to be a interesting journey, I hope you join me along the way. (:
Game Desc:
You're a Mage accompanied by a your companions throughout your heartfelt journey to bring peace to Marillium.
Long ago there was a great war between two forces, the good & the bad-obviously. (:
The war went on for centuries before coming to a stalemate, each side claims they won. But the winner writes the story.
Throughout this game you will need to solves puzzles, take on Main & Side quests, solve mysteries and much more!
This is a work in progress & if something isn't up to my communities liking, I'll do my best to improve it!
Welcome to Final Voyage! (:
(Note if you find any bugs or wish to provide feedback or support us links will be below!)