Finding The Truth
You are a brain detective! Your suspect is a 36 year old security guard named Jim Welsh, he is the number 1 suspect in the murder of his girlfriend but he is swearing innocence. Your mission is to infiltrate the suspects mind and nimbly hop your way to the deepest recess' of their mind to find the truth that they have locked away!!
A - Move Left
D - Move Right
W / space - Jump
When on a wall press S to slide down
You can jump up a wall by, while on the wall, moving towards the wall then double jumping. (note, you can't quickly double jump with this technique, the second jump has to be made shortly after you have jumped off of the wall, TBH I usually spammed jump quite a bit when trying to climb walls haha)
This is my first game jam and will certainly not be my last, it's been so much fun coming up with an idea and then executing on it while trying to get enough sleep and not get burnt out. Overall it has been an absolutely excellent experience aside from the swelling fingers and toes from too much sitting down and too much keyboard use
If you need any help getting the game to play properly or just any questions at all, you can send me a message on or direct message me on my Instagram @ethan_grigg_art