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Flashback (2013)

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20 years after the original game’s launch, Conrad is enlisted back to active service for the triumphant return of one of the most acclaimed franchises in gaming history.
It’s not a reboot. It’s Flashback re-imagined. The original Core-Team revamped their own creation, leveraging the best of today’s technology while remaining true to the classic side-scroller that set the standards of the genre in the 90’s.Key Features
One of the best adventure-action games ever created re-imagined by its creators. It’s the same team. It’s the same passion. Only this time, they have had much more firepower at their disposal to recreate the legendary classic!
Gorgeous graphics, amazing animations. It’s the Flashback you’ve always dreamed of. True to the original spirit but made a million times better by using modern engines such as Unreal and Havok. The makeover is completely stunning.
It’s all about Gameplay. The team modernized gameplay mechanics, making the game more reactive, offering new features, like gadgets and an experience progression system. But the developers kept the original formula in mind: a fine balance between rolling and shooting, exploring remote space stations and obliterating hostile alien planets.
Bringing back new memories. The story was revamped to speak to 21st century gamers. Most of the cast of the original game is still here – Conrad, the Morphs – but you can expect new characters and a few twists you’re definitely not going to forget… this time.

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10,11
  • Processor: 2.0 Ghz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512mb Video Memory
  • Storage: 400 MB available space
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Last Modified: Feb 13, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox 360 Store

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Flashback Official Trailer (HD)
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Обзор Flashback (2013) [Review]
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Flashback Review
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Flashback (2013) reviews and comments

Flashback is one of my cult games of the years 90, so it's really a pleasure to find him today. On the other hand it is an adaptation of the console version, so goodbye the Amiga soundtrack that was great:( One has the choice between the classic "1993" mode which corresponds to the SNES version with pixelated graphics and catastrophic sound effects. Or the modernized version that applies a smoothing filter and improved sound effects that are not worth those of the Amiga version. It is possible to finely deactivate each option in the menu. The few cinematic scenes I have seen must match those of the SNES version I imagine, there are small additions but the rhythm is altered, so the cinematic effect is a bit broken:( I have not yet played enough to really judge the quality of the game, but I noticed that big shiny stars were added to win "Street points", so it is clear that those who adapted the game did not understand that it was a game where the atmosphere is very important. Another point: the music added in the console versions break the immersion and the agoning effect of the original game where it was only the ambient noises that were present. The big mistake is not having been loyal to the original version which was much better. But those who have experienced the game on consoles will be very happy to find the game in this State. Despite my disappointment I can only recommend this game for those who are not too watching.
It'S a boring Sunday afternoon and I see this on Steam "Flashback" the classic game of 90... I feel the call of nostalgia, and a unstoppable impulse forces me to buy this game, but not without certain misgivings... and if it is nothing more than the original PC game in a crappy DOSBox?... I said to myself: "If It is a dosbox I will return it with the same, and wait for this to €3 that is what really should be worth." And is that, that was a dosbox would not have forgiveness, but when today there is REminiscence [cyxdown.free.fr] (a sourceport achieved by reverse engineering in which it is possible to improve the original game, adding parts of other versions of the game, as the voices Of the Sega MegaCD version, the musics of the Amiga version, etc). Fortunately, my unfounded fears have not come true. We are facing Flashblack the classic game of 1992, adapted to modern times, with filters, graphic effects, better music and sounds, tutorials, etc, and also with the possibility of playing the original game as it was. All This makes him, a round game, and possibly the best version of the Flashback to date. If you're a nostalgic like me and want to feel the magic of this game again, go ahead, you won't regret it. The only negative point is that it does not include as a curiosity the screen frames that had the version of CD-I, the voices of the version of Sega Mega CD and of course the BSO and CGI versions of the cinematics, which came out for different systems using CD format (Sega Mega CD, CD-I, Windows95 and 3DO) The God of video games today I hear my pleading and award to my inner child with this game.
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