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Flitspire is a Tower-Climbing Action-Platformer for PC. Players use the power of flight combined with an assortment of random weapons to fly to the top of the Tower as fast as possible.

You play as Towa, a small Vampire Lord who inherited the responsibility of looking after the Tower from his family. Alas though, his younger, nuisance of a sister has kicked him off the top of the Tower all the way down to the bottom and taken ownership of it herself. You have to get back to the top and reclaim it before it's too late! 

As a Vampire, Towa has the ability to fly in short bursts (no turning into a bat nonsense here!). Use Towa's flight ability to fly up the Tower fast! But, be wary as he can only fly for a short period of time before becoming exhausted. When that happens just quickly land on a platform to reset the flight meter and you're good to go again! Managing your flight meter is important and knowing when you can push yourself to reach a platform can make all the difference. The Tower features many different flight paths to approach; some simple but slow, and some treacherous but rewarding. Which path you choose is up to you! Fly Fast, Fly Smart.  

Alongside the ability to fly, Towa is able to use a variety of different weapons. These weapons are kept inside of Dragacha Machines. 

Dragacha Machines are weapon caches that can be found inside the Tower's break rooms. Towa can use each machine by inserting 500 coins. For each 500 coins inserted, the Dragacha Machine will drop a random weapon for Towa to use. Each weapon is different and offers up a different gameplay style. Try to master them all to get the best out of your run. You can gather coins by collecting them throughout each stage or by gathering the change enemies drop after being defeated. 

*This demo features 5 different weapons for you to use and master, the final game has around 20 planned. 

Flitspire is a game all about getting faster and faster. For each run through a timer will keep track of how fast you complete each stage, with your final score being your overall time at the end. You can see your current time displayed on the wall in each break room.

Do you farm enemies for gold to have more chances at getting a better weapon? Or do you stick with what you have and just fly as fast as possible to the top? How you approach each stage is up to you and it's for you to decide the best plan of action. Each stage is static. Hazards and platforms will not change, but what enemies appear and where is random (they like to take turns and have to go out for pizza sometimes). So, whilst stages may become familiar always stay vigilant!

*As of current there is no leader-board feature in this demo, but this is something being considered for a final version of the game. You can however just use "Print Screen" to take a screen of the game and save the final time. Please share them!

Flitspire is currently a game in development. You can follow @LiamBME for future announcements and updates about the game's progress; you can also shout your feedback and thoughts on the game there. 

Q. What are the controls? 
There is an in-game menu option that allows you to see the controls. You can also see them here:
A - Move Left
D - Move Right
J   - Interact (Doors, Machines, NPCs, Menus)
K - Attack
L - Fly

Q. Can I use a controller?
Yes! Flitspire is compatible with Microsoft supported controllers such as the Xbox One and Xbox 360 Pads:
X Button - Interact  (Doors, Machines, NPCs, Menus)
A Button  - Fly
B Button - Attack

Q. I can only use the D-Pad on the controller, what's that all about?
When I make games I try to make them as simple as possible. Flitspire is heavily inspired by the fast and simple action of the game, Downwell. I aimed for a Gameboy-esque control scheme hence why you control Toa by pressing Left or Right on the D-Pad.

Q. I found a bug/issue in game, how can I tell you about it? 
Nice work! You can hit me up on Twitter @LiamBME or send me an email at:
[email protected]

Q. How can I support development of this game? 
This demo is a small slice of what's currently planned for a final version of the game, it demonstrates the main aspects of the gameplay and also how it will be structured. Whilst there are no solid firm plans right now to go ahead and develop the final game (making games is hard as one person and expensive), if you enjoy this demo please let me know and also consider supporting further development by donating some money when picking up this demo. I would love to create a final version of Flitspire, creating what I have so far has been so much fun. 

Q. This music is funky, how I can I check out who did this?
I know right? It's done by the wonderful Craig Windle who goes by the handle, Windmills at Dawn.

Thank you so much for playing Flitspire! If you enjoyed this demo, please share it with your friends and on the internet :)

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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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