Flooded Tech

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A challenging retro mix of metroidvania and platformer!


Nina's father was a renowned scientist. He invented cutting-edge technology that could revolutionize the world. However, he had enemies. His lab got destroyed in an explosion that also killed him. His technology was lost, and the facility he worked in is now in ruins. Until his daughter, who became an archeologist and scientist herself, received the mission to retrieve his technology. Only she didn't know that in this lost building, death would be waiting at every corner...


Flooded Tech is a challenging game where you will die (a lot). Watch out for your health as lasers, spikes and saws try to hurt you. Health is a limited and precious resource, as you will go far without being able to heal...

The game also incorporates oxygen as a mechanic. The facility got flooded after time passed. Unfortunately, Nina is carrying too much stuff to be able to swim. You'll have to find a way through flooded paths with water resistance and limited oxygen.


However, you can upgrade your health and oxygen capacity by collecting hearts! Plus, you can chose to restart from the current room or from the last capsule you went in after dying. The game has an average playtime of 1-2 hours.


Controls are very simple! Move using the arrow keys, jump using Z, and crouch with the down key. It also has controller support: use the D-pad to move, A to jump and the down button to crouch.


The game has a speedrun mode! It is unlocked after completing the normal mode once. It skips dialogs and shows your playtime during your run. If you happen to speedrun Flooded Tech, feel free to send me a video link over on Discord (Falcon Nova#4759) or in the comments so I can display it below here!

Release date
Falcon Nova
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jun 7, 2021

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