Flooder EP 128 (Enterprise 128) by FeCO
by FeCO, 2023
Basic10Liner Contest, EXTREM-256 Category
This is an improved version of my Floodit game: press the numbers to paint the stage to the same color. On the bottom left you can read how many moves left. Press F when you finished. I you see Fail, you loose, else you will see your points (less "move" earns more points). Then you will see next stage, more color - up to 9.
0...9 - paint (depends the level, check the colors)
F - finish the stage (then the program will check the blocks
Program lines:
1 - Disable the Status Bar, clear screen, display the name of the program, then set the graphic mode, colors, reset the variables, set the moves limit by stages (p$) displays buttons 1-2
2 - For..
3 - check the colors of the pieces (first round =0)
4 - fill the stage with random colors one beep/piece
5 - ..Next
6 - read a key / print moves left, "Fail" and points, last two in black color until the end of the stage, then if c=0, Point will have shown, else if c>0 "Fail" has color and displayed.
7 - utilize the keypresses: paint the color depends the key, and increase the p variable. Also delete the "moves left" number.
8 - if you reach maximum moves or "f" pressed, starts to paint black (=0 for the LOOK command), GOTO2 with E=0 : check the fields and add c by color code, if not black (code=0).Also set W=1 (end of the stage)
9 - if stage ended (W>0) and no Fail (C=0), delete the moves left number, reset the variables, increase the stage (colors) then redraw the increased field.
10 - if not Fail (W>0) and not the end of the game (s<9) then display buttons 3-9 and F, and goto 6, read a key... Else (program finished)
Have fun!