Flying Lover
If sea movement with the ground disturbs you in Web browser version, do not hesitate to download game :)
Flying Lover ? What's this ?This is game is an revenge of my project student game made in 2018. I had to try to use Quaternion and rotation, and it was a disaster. It was not playable. So this time, I tried to create a prototype plane game ! It is a little game where I wanted to work on vfx, shaders, and modeling 3d !
I decide to create a game with theme of Valentin day ! It's not a big game, but I hope it would be fun to play :)
Controls- Arrow : Move
- Space : Boost
Except music and wind sound, all elements was made by myself. Sounds were created with jsfxr and bfxr.
Music is "Childhood Friend" by Arthur Vyncke.