Foul Play (itch)

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You play as a straight-laced investigator who has always been bound to the rules and whose greatest concerns in life have been superficial, embarrassing moments.  You're very efficient at solving crimes from behind a desk, but your world is turned upside down after being put in charge of an effort to throw a mercurial and sexy assassin behind bars. The assassin's services go to the highest bidder and she thrives in her chaotic, lavish lifestyle. She's unhinged, unfiltered and becomes obsessed with pushing you to your limits, trying to tap into your darkest secrets.

  • A yuri visual novel written and developed by a wlw couple out to shed light on LGBT representation in games.
  • 5 endings
  • 2 romance-able women with absolutely different motives and 18+ scenes
  • A morally-conflicting, dark overarching story with realistic portrayals of coming out experiences,  women dating women, and facing consequences of your decisions.
  • Choices that shape the main character's personal development
  • Original character art

This is Chapter 1. The demo available is currently the alpha version. Additional gameplay features,  music, art and GUI designs will be added to the final demo version as well as the released game. The game is expected to release summer 2021.

We appreciate feedback and any bug reports since it is something we take into consideration during game development: Report Bugs & Feedback Form

Release date
Bandit Visual Games
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Aug 31, 2020

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