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Frozen Synapse 2

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Plan your moves, test them out, then hit the "Prime" button: both your turn, and that of your enemy, are executed simultaneously.Single Player
In single player, Frozen Synapse 2 features a vast procedurally generated city. Enter any building, engage any target anywhere on the map...you define your own strategy.

The city is a living system, with many AI-controlled factions vying for control. Each faction has its own personality and behaviour; each responds differently to your actions.

Choose to collaborate or betray; rob banks or establish a delicate political accord: it’s up to you.

Investigate the mysterious force which is making incursions into the city while trying to establish your own power base in this complex and treacherous futuristic world.

We’re calling it “open world tactics”: grand strategy meets tactical precision.Gameplay
Frozen Synapse 2 will add many more unit classes as well as more complex unit stats.

In single player, new stealth gameplay allows you to sneak into buildings undetected, or cause panic when a security guard spots your squad.

Curved walls and new objects like trees, rocks and cars allow for much more realistic levels.Multiplayer
Frozen Synapse 2 features all of the classic multiplayer modes from the original game as well as new ways to outwit your opponents.

More details to be announced soon!
Release date
Mode 7
Mode 7
Age rating
Not rated
Other games in the series

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X 10.9
  • Processor: 2GHz Dual Core
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: OpenGL 3.1+ & 1GB VRAM
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Kernel 3.1 or higher
  • Processor: 2GHz Dual Core
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: OpenGL 3.1+ & 1GB VRAM
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM

System requirements for PC

7 / 8 / 10
Processor: 2GHz Dual Core
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Shader Model 3.0 & at least 1GB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 4 GB available space
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Last Modified: Mar 23, 2023

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Frozen Synapse 2 reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
-The Linux version is pounded (no sound at all), but the Proton version turns impec in the meantime-the launch was missed-the development is slow because of an obvious lack of funds-low media coverage-so a lack of player for the multi-it re Ste a priori bugs (which I have not really met) and balancing to do + + but what is it good anyway! + + A niche game, fairly unique + + a more advanced and thorough version than the previous + + shutters a management of the city and factions that gives it an aspect strategy in addition to tactical side of the fights + + what is it good anyway!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I find the second Part of the Series really great. Storymaking Is much more exciting and free than in the first Part. There are some new Classes and this Open World concept really works out. The Maps have Also improved considerably and have become more varied. I haven't experienced these many bugs mentioned in previous Recessions like that. After the Hymn of praise, two Things that disturb me a little personally: 1.) In the Campaign you can not choose the Colors of the Factions (and also your own Player color). In FS1, that was possible. Sounds lapidary but the Eye is known to eat along. And 2.) The Game in the Endgame gets a bit lame. Once you've experienced all the mission scenarios, just change the Map. It is just the usual Curse and Blessing, the Openworld Freedom. Nevertheless, I searched for the Game well and can only recommend it to everyone!
Translated by
Microsoft from French
NO random city generation ! I'm disapointed... the rest is nice but the single player campaign is impacted and you are getting bored quickly... I guess the multiplayer is more interesting. Others will talk more about it, as for me the single player mode is basically done with always same layout Sonata missions, one after another the Sonata missions are always the same only buildings are more or less randomized but not much. You start with random location on map as well as other factions... but thats all. Your faction is some kind of UN in the middle of a diplomatic equilibrium, you need to deal with the major threat of Sonata incursions, and satisfy the districts governors who are giving you money, you'll have to help some of the factions but others may find it disturbing a nd decrease your founding... Also you can play without Sonata storyline, I dont know thought if that makes things more interesting or not... Also... I get a 10% discount AFTER buying the game, or I didnt saw it before buying (?) nevertheless its basically uselless for me now... I'm telling that for others that might be interested in buying it so check your stuff before.
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