Bananas vs Oranges !
Frutibandas was a web game playable on the website made by the Motion Twin society.
Unfortunately, that website closed in 2012.
Nostalgia got me, and I wanted to bring that game back to life, but as a desktop application.
So here it is !
RULES AND GOALA turn by turn game in which each player control either the bananas or the oranges.
The fruits are randomly placed on a 8x8 board, but both players start with the same amount of fruits. Your goal is to push all enemy fruits into the void.
To do so, you can move up, down, right and left, and all enemy fruits getting in your way are pushed in your moving direction.
To assist you in your task, you are also provided with 3 cards picked in a random way.
Each card got a special effect either on the game flow, on a fruit, on the board or on the enemy player actions.
CARDS card name description anvil The anvil destroys the targeted tile. If it hits any fruit upon landing, the fruit is destroyed. charge Your next move will be doubled. confiscation If your opponent plays a card at his next turn, you cancel the effect and get the card's ownership. conversion The targeted enemy fruit becomes an ally. cow A cow appears on top of the board and tramples all the fruits of the chosen column. disorder Inverts the direction played by your opponent on his next move. intermission You pass your turn. petrification The targeted fruit turns into stone. reinforcement Up to 3 allied fruits appears randomly on the board. second wave You can move two times. solo Only the targeted allied fruit will move at your next move. trap Set a trap on a free tile of the board, the trap will trigger as soon as a fruit will step on it, and the tile will be destroyed. KNOWN BUGDepending on your hardware, the game might not work and show a black screen.
I am investigating to fix this.
CREDITSMy thanks to Demurgos from the Eternaltwin project, who kindly provided a server for the game.