Average Playtime: 4 hours

Pixel Puzzles Junior

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Pixel Puzzles Junior is the perfect puzzle game for kids aged 2-5.

With 50 bright and colourful puzzles included, Pixel Puzzles Junior lets kids choose the puzzle size that's best for them. All puzzles can be played in a range of sizes, from 9, 20, 30, 42 and 56 pieces.

Avoid the mess of traditional jigsaw puzzles and let the kids play their puzzles digitally.FEATURES:
  • A range of sizes from 9 to 56 pieces.
  • Perfect for ages 2 - 5.
  • Bright cartoon puzzle images.
  • Colorful puzzling atmosphere.
  • Auto Saving, never lose progress.
  • Traditional puzzle gameplay.
  • Interactive play environment.
Release date
Decaying Logic
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
  • Processor: Intel® Core 2 Duo
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0 Compatible
  • Storage: 400 MB available space
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Last Modified: Sep 5, 2024

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Pixel Puzzles Junior (All Puzzles) 20:49
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Pixel Puzzles Junior reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
FOR KINDER "Pixel Puzzles Junior" is a small one. nice puzzle game. The Game has Puzzles. So real Puzzles. Legepuzzles with a certain Number of Pieces that have to be merged into a Motif. There are a total of 50 puzzle motifs, which are overall nice, colorful and child-friendly. Each Motif can be puzzled in five Degrees Of complexity. With 9, 20, 30, 42 or 56 Parts, so that every Age Group can cope with it. For Adults, the Game is not only a Challenge due to the small Number of Parts, but also because of the Motifs to be simplified. Although The Music is very childish and cheerful in itself, it becomes extremely strenuous by constant Geloope after a very short Time. The Mechanics work, the Parts can be easily grabbed and put down with the Mouse. "Pixel Puzzles Junior" doesn't do much, but what it does does well. Rating: 7/10 Atmosphere-/10 Story 7/10 Graphics 5/10 Sound 7/10 Game Mechanics 7/10 Game Pass Conclusion: Simples, child-friendly Gepuzzle. 7/10 Overall Rating
Translated by
Microsoft from French
From the top of my quarter century, I am still as refractory to the difficulty. This defect, mocked by some, therefore pushes me to buy and play so many games thought for children. Yes I know. But this is not the worst, if only you knew what was able to pass me in the hands... However it is neither the place nor the time to bring out these archives all as dangerous for my masculinity as for my pride. Today we find ourselves for a small review which, hopefully, will only be written for once on a small Notepad failing a parchment of several feet long. Pixel puzzles Junior is therefore a part of the sequelle, well known of the cephaloclastophiles (atchoum!), of the pixel puzzles. The game is very clearly oriented arcade and young audience to contrario of its consors. The player finds himself in front of some fifty paintings to compose and everything is offered to him. Yes, each bonus is usable to infinity. If you don't want to play the game, you'll be done in less than ten minutes. Complementary friends, to your wallet... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1188478942 if like me, you still want to play in the rules of art, you will choose the maximum number of pieces in order to have the most difficult difficulty proposed by the game. Note that even in this configuration, your eight-year-old little sister will complete a jigsaw puzzle with your fingers in the nose... Few other things to say, I'm afraid. The tables are very pretty, the successes being linked to the puzzles, assemble them all (isn't it SACHA?) and you will get a foil and gold 100%. In short, a little game to relax. Personally, I played there listening to political broadcasts, it was quite nice. Without being in a hurry, I finished the last puzzle after four hours of play. The only black point that comes to mind is the price. Where are you hiding, sweetie? Wait for a substantial discount. To be acquired. Did you like this evaluation? Find others by joining our editorial group: we prefer them cold.
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