Game of Tower Defense
A moddable tower defense game.
- fixed scale for ammo
- units now have levels which increase after every X day
- game over screen now has restart button
- units can now be destroyed to get some money back
- added werslow and giorch angry editions which are mini bosses
- fixed money usage
- fixed lack of scale of units and enemies
- fixed enemy detection by unit
- fixed texture and damage for ammo bullet
- added credits screen
- fixed lack of collisions with other units
- fixed enemy texture
- added spawnAfterXDays and spawnAfterXDaysDifficultyBased
- rebalanced game with introduction with new enemies after some day
- added new wave button active after killing all the enemies
- changed data path from %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\GTWD to %APPDATA%\firstbober-gtwd
- fixed loading textures from user://
- added fullscreen option in the menu
- fixed mod loading
- now unit can be swaped before placement