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In GamersGoMakers, you found a little company creating the first video games in history. Create your first game with only basic sound and simple graphics available in the year 1980. You´re one of the pioneers entering the rising global market for computer games. At the beginning, there are only few genres you can pick for a game to create, later you have plenty of options for more genres and sub-genres.

You start in 1980 creating one of the first computer games in history
Go your own way: Be a developer, designer, producer, artist or composer
Choose your starting location. Each starting location has its own characteristics, which may give you a benefit of some kind in play.
Optional start in 1990 or 2000, choose from 3 difficulty levels
31 genres of games to choose from
Real influence on creating games (find the genre matching game parts out of 15x4 options)
Intelligent game reviews give you hints about what to improve for next game in same genre
Sales are influenced by trends, platform market share, competitor´s performance and many more
You can create patches, addons, sequels or a new edition for a different platform
Hire up to 26 employees with specialisations in genre and/or platform
Rich role playing elements: level up your character and employees in 21 different skills
Learning by doing: Your employees gain levels in skills by takig part in projects
Improve your employees skills additionally by trainings, education programs and specializations
Employees will ask for more loan, holiday, trainings or they get sick, maybe even quit for a better job at a rival´s company
Become a specialized company of high renown in a certain genre, e.g. the global number 1 in Shooter games
Research new gaming technologies
Expand your business, rent or buy a bigger office
Equip 16 different rooms like studios for sound and motioncapture, labs and marketing office
Upgrade your rooms several times as time advances
Compete within a global simulated games market - hundreds of simulated competitors release games
Win awards for game of the month/game of the year
Consoles and platforms retire from the market...except you create a game hit extending the platform´s lifetime
Buy out your rival competitors: Let them work for you or destroy them
Win achievements and beat the global highscore
Become a publisher
Visit conventions or create your own convention
Pimp your games with "real" actors for voice acting, soundtracks and motion capturing!
Pay up to 30% tax per annum
...and many more features for a very deep gaming experience!

If you are not sure whether you can run the game or not or you want to try out the game before buying it; there is a free downloadable demo available on the website here.
Release date
gnifrebel Games UG
gnifrebel Games UG
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP SP3
  • Processor: 2 GHz dual core
  • Memory: 1000 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory
  • Storage: 150 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Min screen resolution: 1280x768
  • OS: Win 7
  • Memory: 2000 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Hardware Accelerated Graphics
  • Storage: 150 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Min screen resolution: 1280x768
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Feb 6, 2023

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1 edit
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GamersGoMakers reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Greetings. So first of all, I've always been fascinated by such Simulators. I've spent ages with GameDevTycoon before and now you think of my Situation, of course, "What kind of copper-cut game is emulating one of the best Simulators?" After reading Reviews, I couldn't believe it consistently positive Voices and two Points stood out again and again. -Realism-Difficulty Unfortunately I have to admit that GAmeDevTycoon becomes too easy after a certain time, because of this I took a closer look at GamersGoMakers (at the Price:)))) And People sometimes seriously the Game is exactly what Gamers of GameDevTycoon is missing. At GameDevTycoon, you control the whole way through Sliders without precise Gradations to what extent the "In-Game" builds up and what you value. Just logically clear. Limited Settings = make little of the Wrong thing. At GamersGoMakers, the whole Principle is completely redesigned, you are now looking for exactly the Parts that Are to Be Adjusted and depending on the Genre you can create the Games. To my Shame, I must confess that whole things are not so easy at the Beginning. Terms like:-Content Design-Scripting had to be looked at in more detail about what they bring me when I Install them. What this is what we all know, but in what Genre are they more likely to be in demand? That was the Sticking Point. But once you have overcome it and "White as the Bunny runs," it really goes ahead. After each Release of a new Title, as in the usual GameDevTycoon, we get our Criticism and a Hint with which the Game would be even better (e.g. Sound). The Problem at all now, of course, lies in the Fact that we then have to change a Point for The prioriality and if you then take it away in the wrong Place, of course, the Feature is missing from the next Criticism where you can get the Prio. Down. Two Points I would like to get rid of Before I rate the whole SPiel Again number technology:-You have built in an ingenious competitive system so that we can then beat Up almost for prices for a wide variety of Things. Every Company is presented in a Statistic so that you can always see how you are positioned in the Market. -What you can't do everything can start new Projects, create successors, bring old Games back to market with better Engine, Add-Ons and, and, and. What you already knew from GameDevTycoon was neatly expanded here. Thumbs up! Long Speech short Sense, would like to play Business Simulator or would like to try it out. This is a try on all GameDevTycoon bunnies. Mandatory Program! In The End, I would say if GameDevTycoon has already cashed 10/10 Points from me then GamersGoMakers clearly gets 12/10 Points top Game! I like it!!!
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