Ghost Trick : Detective Phantom (remastered)
You must own the main game of GHOST TRICK to access this content.
Backgrounds are displayed on the right and left edges of the screen during gameplay. You can change backgrounds by going to Screen Settings in the Options menu.
You can listen to both the original and arranged BGM tracks from the BGM Collection.
Content can be downloaded from the store where you bought the digital version. If applicable to your region, content can also be downloaded via the download code included in the retail version.
The above contents may be made available through other means in the future.
Content is subject to change without prior notice.
For Those Who Purchase the Digital Version
Bonuses will be given to those who purchase GHOST TRICK during the pre-order period.
*Bonuses for the PlayStation 4 version will be given to those who purchase GHOST TRICK before 7/30/2023.