Goldbox 64
Goldbox 64 is a project developed for the #LOWREZJAM 2018
It's written in Python (3.6.6) using PyGame (1.9.4)
It was intended to be a rough recreation of old SSI "Goldbox" Dungeons and Dragons RPGs from the later 1980s.
Sadly, I did not have the time to get a game working. I do have a (technically) working map editor with load and save behaviors. There is no in-game help system.
Main Menu controls are...
- w - Move up an option
- s - Move down an option
- enter/return - Select highlighted option
- escape - Quit program
Editor controls are as follows...
- w - Move Forward
- s - Move Backward
- d - Turn Right
- a - Turn Left
- q - Previous Wall
- e - Next Wall
- spacebar - Place wall
- o - Save map
- l - Load map
- esc - Quit to main menu or Cancel save/load
- enter - (when saving/loading) Save/Load entered filename
When saving/loading, nothing will appear to happen, however as you enter text on the keyboard it will appear at the top of the screen. Once a name has been entered, pressing enter will attempt to load or save a map of the given name.
Goldbox64 is open source and the source can be cloned or viewed Here (Github)
Thank you for looking at my project!