Golden Fist: Statues (Demo)
Golden Fist: Statues (Demo)
A real-time strategy game where you command an army to protect your statue from the enemy forces and destroy their statue.
Game is still in progress.
In the year 5902, two years after the Chaos War, the war that help split a nation in half, is now trying to reunite with the other half. This new nation is not governed by any leader as it is ruled by the 5 clans, the Barbarian Clan, the Archer Clan, the Bladesmen Clan, the Rider Clan and the Juggernaut Clan. Before the other nation tries to invade this new nation, the clans must unite but under 1 rule.
Dark Knight, an exiled knight from the old nation is trying to form an alliance between the clans to fight the enemy for the upcoming war. As he was first able to take command of both the Barbarian Clan and the Archer Clan due to them currently having no leader. But this is not enough, he must defeat the current leaders of the other clans and a few resistance in order to unite the new nation for the upcoming war.
Double-click to interact.
Left Arrow Key to move camera to the left.
Right Arrow Key to move camera to the right.
Z to retreat all soldiers.
X to attack all soldiers.
Game by Katranis Remar.
Sound Effects from Pixabay.