Grab (Slin)

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GRAB is a multiplayer platforming game. You climb, slide and run through levels to make it to the end. If you fall, you have to start again. If you touch lava you have to start again.

It will likely get you sweaty from moving as well as from fear of making a mistake.

It's a fun social experience to try and finish levels first, showing others how it's done or even going together into the editor to make your own levels to share with the community.

The editor allows one or more players to work on a level at the same time and any player can jump into play mode to test a section at any time.

This is still an early alpha version of the game! Everything that is in it is supposed to work well, but for example the editor is lacking some useful features like group selections and undo and the game itself is missing more components to allow for more interesting levels such as moving blocks and blocks you can grapple onto. The graphics and menu designs are also meant to be temporary.

If you encounter any bugs or other issues or just have some great ideas on how to make GRAB better, please join my discord server:

GRAB is currently available for free on SideQuest (, buying it here is just a way to support the development!

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Grab (Slin) screenshot, image №2911384 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jun 25, 2021

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