Welcome to Gridders! The rules are simple:
- It shows which player's turn it is in the top-left corner.
- Click on a square in the grid to place your plot!
- You can only place a plot if another of your plots is directly adjacent to the box (Diagonally doesn't count!) and another existing plot isn't already there.
> Note: When a player is eliminated, you can place plots on their old plots.
- Plots also can't be placed on dark blocks!
- Try to get as many plots as possible!
- When you want to skip a turn, press the purple "Skip Turn" button.
- When you can't place any more plots, press the red "Eliminate!" button. You are now eliminated!
- When every player is eliminated, the game ends.
- Good luck, and have fun!
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Sep 26, 2022
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